Some people think that sports involving violence, such as boxing and martial arts, should be banned from TV as well as from international sporting competitions. To what extent do you agree?

It is claimed that some sports, which have violent activities, should not be shown on national media
as TV. In my opinion, I agree that some sports
as boxing and martial arts have an impact on immature manners inasmuch as they are not aware of the regulations and they probably use violence against their peers.
To begin
with, some individuals like to watch a sport with the concept of fighting on TV,
they do not care whether a child is watching that or not. In
case, they believe that children are not as strong as the athletes to hurt each other, though they can improve their skills in
field if tend to learn it professionally.
For instance
, some parents encourage their children to learn combat sports to make development in their competitive spirits.
On the other hand
, others claim that a sport involving brutality should be prohibited from the media
due to
its consequences.
As a result
everyone has
Correct article usage
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access to watch
a competition, there is no evidence to prove that all the audiences are qualified to watch them.
For example
, children and some human beings, who are suffering from mental disorders, can use some of the techniques that they have learnt,
they are not aware of the impacts.
, they might face serious problems. In conclusion,
some women and men argue that different types of combat competitions have to be removed from the television's schedule,
Correct quantifier usage
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others believe that could arouse someone's
Fix the agreement mistake
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for being an athlete and make them more sportive. In my opinion, it would be better if
kind of sport could be removed from national networks
due to
the plethora of disadvantages.
Submitted by neda.khn88 on

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Coherence & Cohesion
Ensure each paragraph sticks to one main idea and develops it fully. The essay could be more logically structured.
Task Achievement
Provide clearer, more specific examples to support your ideas. Your examples should more directly address the points you're making.
Coherence & Cohesion
Improve sentence variety and use connectors more effectively to ensure smoother transitions between ideas.
Introduction & Conclusion
Your introduction and conclusion effectively frame your argument, providing a clear stance.
Task Achievement
You have done well to address both sides of the debate, acknowledging different perspectives.
Clear & Comprehensive Ideas
You show a good command of vocabulary and express complex ideas clearly.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • combat sports
  • glorification of violence
  • impressionable audiences
  • cultural heritage
  • self-discipline
  • sportsmanship
  • media portrayal
  • regulatory measures
  • censorship
  • psychological impact
  • broadcasting regulations
  • watershed timing
  • advocates and opponents
  • ethical considerations
  • economic implications
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