It is true that most crowds think that the best way to improve well-being is through sports facilities while others say other factors are responsible for public fitness.In
,essay we will discuss both these views.
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,play increase the strength of the masses.To explain,it has been seen that sportsmen are more healthy and fit. The chances to catch an infection are minimal. They eat healthy food and exercise daily. Linking Words
,they are more conscious about their health.Linking Words
For example
,it has been seen that the body of sportsmen is more in shape and they have well stamina.Linking Words
As a result
,parents involve their children in some kind of activities for their overall development.
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, better medical procedures are Linking Words
responsible for good strength.To epitome, Governments should provide the best medical treatment to all populations at a reasonable price.These medical facilities should not bond to a particular group.Linking Words
profession is treated as a charity rather than a profitable business.Linking Words
For instance
, America, Canada and other European countries provide free medical treatment to their society because they knew human values.Linking Words
,India gained Linking Words
popularity in the medical field that nations all over the world come here for medical treatment as it is comparatively less expensive.
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, the masses should be aware.Administrators and Institutions create awareness programs among crowds regarding various diseases timely which will help them to prevent various diseases.Linking Words
For instance
, the Indian government advertise so many well-being-related problems and their solutions that now to some extent these problems are solved.
To conclude,public energy is the main issue for any administration.If some folk think only sport is the best way to improve vigour Linking Words
it is not true other factors are more important than play like Medica facilities as well as awareness among the crowd.Linking Words