It is important for children to learn the diffirence between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

It is so crucial for
to learn the difference between doing something right and wrong at an early age.
, some people believe that using punishment will be essential to help them learn
distinction. In
essay, I will provide what level and why I agree with
opinion. On the one hand, the necessary reason why parents should teach their son or daughter to learn what is right and wrong is to make them take their own decisions on doing something.
As a result
, when their son or daughter grows up into adults, they can judge whether something that they are doing is moral or immoral for society.
For example
, if they do not know what is moral or immoral, sometimes, they will make inevitable mistakes which society cannot accept and absolve for doing
as killing people, robbery, selling drugs or others.
, teaching their
to know what is moral or immoral is good, but sometimes violent punishment to them, when they do some mistake, will cause another following trouble to them as well.
For instance
, the
do some trivial mistakes and the parents think that these flaws are so severe. After that, the father and mother punish them so harsh for doing these flaws.
, their son or daughter may imitate that behaviour from their parents to do it again to their offspring when they grow up into adults. In conclusion, I agree with the idea that
should learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age.
, the punishment when they do some light blunders is necessary if those blunders can forgive.
Submitted by boatakrawin on

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