Recent years have witnessed that the pollution created in factories is dramatically increasing. Meanwhile, some supporters that increasing the taxes by several folds may reduce the problem of carbon emissions and polluted water.
On the contrary
, some may argue that the government and industries can provide other outcomes that allow for improving the air quality. In Linking Words
essay, I will take part in both views and share my opinion afterwards.
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To begin
with, expanding the charges may improve water quality. There is no denying that factories may use an array of harmful chemicals in clothing or plastic-making processes, despite workers noticing Linking Words
may elucidate the community. Linking Words
In addition
, since the used materials will ultimately be discharged into the river or ocean, polluted water may destroy the oceanic lifeforms. Linking Words
, paying extra charges may reduce the problems, correspondingly, clothing industries may discard a myriad of unused wool and chemicals, Linking Words
, producing lots of waste. A punishment Linking Words
as paying a considerable amount of tax may be necessary to encourage workers to create fewer unwanted materials. Linking Words
, an improved environment can be foreseen under strict regulations.
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On the other hand
, alternative methods can be considered, inasmuch as not affecting the community. The government can invest in scientific projects that control the emission output. Linking Words
For instance
, there is no doubt that citizens are complaining about the commodity's lack of fresh air, Linking Words
, they await for the government to conduct action and change the current conditions. Using fuel replacement Linking Words
as organic food can be Linking Words
commenced, in spite of the hard achievements. Linking Words
, encouraging scientists to expand their horizons on protecting the community should be constituted.
To conclude, I think it may not be a wise decision to increase the charges, since each company may want to maximize its own profits. Linking Words
method can be saved as a Linking Words
resort, while exerting investments on devisements may not lead to an immense controversy, Linking Words
, I firmly believe that Linking Words
can prevent deterioration of the current environment Linking Words
of using forced regulations.Linking Words