know for their income in the society, actors and sports
playerFix the agreement mistake
show examples
have got a lot of money for their work annually,
, some
of Change preposition
show examples
peopleAdd an article
show examples
thinkingWrong verb form
show examples
not quite good for
countryAdd an article
show examples
as economics getting down and
fighting for his own needs.
, I agree with
statement which I am going to discuss in the below paragraph with relevant examples.
with, the government is paying
a good salariesCorrect the article-noun agreement
a good salary
good salaries
show examples
for the player and entertainers to keep maintaining their self in front of every
. They always stand for
economics and keep
countryCorrect article usage
show examples
ahead on the stage.
, athletes are bringing meddle for
countryAdd an article
show examples
and that makes us proud for the represent our nation.
Correct article usage
show examples
countryChange noun form
show examples
image getting an increase
inChange preposition
show examples
the other international competitors, which requires for to give another
treatCorrect your spelling
show examples
for the player and international
individualFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. More, they have a lot of expenses on their own, they need to keep a
sociallyChange the adverb
show examples
withChange preposition
show examples
as well as to keep
the Correct article usage
show examples
safety from other threats.
, few individuals are against
because of poverty in the
SomeChange preposition
show examples
are fighting for their needs and are not able to survive.
, Like Shri Lanka
currently battle with their own needs but players are living the good life because they earned so much for their future and every small thing amount reaches
to Change preposition
show examples
the sky which normal
cannot buy.
To conclude, I am totally agreeing with
, all countries need to look at their own status as well as their
to Fix the infinitive
show examples
fight for food, shelter and clothes.