contemporary epoch, whilst proponents hold the view that state involvement is only restricted to general services ,and citizens should provide other facilities for themselves, opponents have diverse perspectives . Linking Words
, I am convinced that governments ought to teach and treat youths properly as that will ensure a flourishing future for the country as well as the individuals .
Linking Words
To begin
with , some advocates discern that free medical buildings and schools should be available for everyone . Linking Words
In other words
, all individuals should be granted access to Linking Words
places as they are kind of the basic human needs . Linking Words
For instance
, many affluent countries provide free accommodations, treatments, and jobs for their citizens , which has built developed countries Linking Words
as the United Kingdom and Germany . Linking Words
, what can be said is that will dramatically decrease the illiteracy rate and diseases .
Linking Words
, these individuals will attain thriving jobs in the future and have good standards of living which definitely will impact their nations positively. To illustrate they will repay their communities by providing a plethora of amenities to those who still suffer . Linking Words
For instance
, in South Linking Words
many students get accepted into some universities without paying the funds , but they should work for one year after their graduation without receiving salaries as a prerequisite . Add a comma
, what can be said is that not only that has a profound impact on the public but Linking Words
on the nation .
In conclusion, after Linking Words
essay has manifested the points mentioned above, it can be clearly reiterated that social and economic authorities ought to subsidize public places , and the citizens should serve their homelands . Linking Words
, I am of the belief that will offer many work opportunities for many youths ,and they will ensure a fruitful future.Linking Words