In the past, when students did a university degree, they tended to study in their own country. Nowadays, they have more opportunity to study aboard. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this development?

In today’s time, students have wider options for pursuing their higher education in a foreign country, as compared to the past when they could only study in their native nation. In my opinion,
is primarily because of the rising economic development in the 22nd century, that has given birth to
opportunities. There are both pros and cons to
situation which are discussed below. On one hand, very early on in their career students get an opportunity to travel abroad and study with a diverse set of peers.
helps them build an understanding of various cultures, and beliefs, moulding them into global citizens.
, studying in foreign universities helps them improve their competencies by accessing a better quality of education and
, improving their learning curve.
helps them build a strong network of like-minded individuals that play a huge role in their professional careers ahead.
On the other hand
takes a huge toll on the economy of the home country as the top percentile individuals leave for better opportunities. Most developing countries are facing a big challenge in hiring and grooming the right talent, due to a lack of skilled people.
In other words
is slowing down their growth plans and
leading to an increase in dependency on the older generations. To bridge
gap, a lot of countries are now encouraging international citizens to migrate to their countries and take up permanent residency.
For example
, the Canadian government is providing citizenship to five lakh foreign national citizens every year, to increase the population of youth in their country, eventually helping them speed up their economy In conclusion, there will always be a set of individuals who choose to study abroad due to the wide options available there. If the governments are able to come up with better educational facilities and job opportunities, the percentage of retaining
youth population can be increased
Submitted by ankith.nair2398 on

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