In the midst of
technology driven-globalCorrect your spelling
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world,most folks think that,as we all are living in the 21st century.
are more
intendedCorrect word choice
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about social
and finance. I completely agree with the notion.
essay will elucidate the viewpoint in the coming paragraph and illustrate the examples from my personal experience.
Let's begin with the past decades, The peoples in the past generations
areWrong verb form
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very affectionate to their families and society and
don'tWrong verb form
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need to get back something from
if ,they
doWrong verb form
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some Correct quantifier usage
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.But these decades humans help
for something
benefitsReplace the word
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toChange preposition
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as money or any publicity.Apparently, in front of the public , they help
but in the
,Remove the comma
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backend they
targeted Wrong verb form
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their exposure .
, in the
few years back my home country
hadVerb problem
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affectChange the verb form
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by some natural disasters.
time numerous organizations and individuals came forward to help those
ButCorrect word choice
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I felt that someone in
group has done some things for their socioeconomic
,they need some publicity from
news behind .
, they have to get good advertisements for their business for their future success. As a
,Remove the comma
show examples
result I thought that
are changed a lot from past years to these decades
generation, Teenagers mostly prefer to maintain friendships with high social
we think
that Correct word choice
show examples
Why are they
tendency? Because of
modernized world, young generations have given importance to money and economic
, They thought ,If they
continueWrong verb form
show examples
relationships with high-
they have to earn something from it.
year I visited one school for some survey-related work. I saw, that one student was sitting alone and he had no friends to play with or anything. I asked him what is the reason
?Change the punctuation
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He told me that he came from a coastal area and his father is a fisherman. Because of that ,None of them
talksWrong verb form
show examples
with that student. And
surprised that he was the rank holder in that school at that time.
, Today's world gives more importance to wealth and high-rated social standards . They do not even think about family relations or anything . I completely agree with the viewpoint.