It is important for children to learn the difference between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? What sort of punishment should parent and teacher be allowed to use to teach good behavior to children?

Some people believe that punishing
is compulsory to be done by parents and teachers as it would help
to distinguish between right and wrong in the near future. In my opinion,
statement is totally wrong. But, somewhat of
action can be taken in some situations.
To begin
, it has been observed that some of these punishments have resulted in major hurdles for students. Putting undue pressure on
and abandoning them can lead
to start hating the people who care about them.
would ruin their relationship which would make
not obey their parents. So even in their crisis, these adults cannot assist them and
would facilitate their path of making the wrong decision.
For example
, there are many young pupils who start smoking very early and as their parents do not have any control over them, their advice would not make any difference for these
and they would continue smoking.
is why I think that guardians must avoid
On the other hand
, if someone wants to punish a child, they should carefully consider how it would affect the kid. It must be questioned whether is
act going to mitigate the problems of the student or not.
there are many methods of punishment, I think the worst one is humiliation. If teachers try to make a joke out of a student, it would lead them to lose their confidence which is very difficult to repair.
is why I think the best method of punishment is to respectively,
make them aware of their mistakes.
forcing them to do some activities which bring pros to them. Like studying or jogging. In
way, they are both improving in skills and learning some lessons from their mistakes at the same time. In conclusion, I think
action has a high chance of causing
issues for
, if it must be done, it should be without any mocking and the punishment itself should help the development of
Submitted by amir.lajevardi84 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • moral development
  • positive reinforcement
  • negative reinforcement
  • disciplinary methods
  • behavioral psychology
  • natural consequences
  • physical punishment
  • psychological impacts
  • consistent rules
  • privileges
  • parenting strategies
  • educational approaches
  • ethical upbringing
  • moral compass
  • child-rearing practices
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