Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?. Has this become a positive or negative development? Give reason for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

digital era where automation has merged into the social system, the public throughout the world has changed social interaction online.
it unbearably gives birth to many negative developments, I firmly believe it provides more benefits to society,
as broader global communication and cost-friendly. One positive effect born from machinery is a broader interaction of nations in which the internet plays a pivotal role. To illustrate, the internet rapidly connects everyone in every part of life,
as sending work emails, chatting with relatives or even reconnecting with old friends and lost family, regardless of their regional background.
, twenty years ago, the public had not yet embraced technology in life and still used traditional ways like horses or donkeys to send letters and products, which took months to arrive.
In addition
, millennial workers nowadays are able to work remotely which means that they can cut-off the time and work productivity.
, another advantage coming from the development of machinery is cost-friendly communication. In comparison, previous generations needed more money to visit their family who lived far from them as they lacked transportation while the nation in
generation easily communicates with their friends and families by using technological features like facetime or Skype which only need internet data.
As a result
, in terms of cost, it is much cheaper, and the public can allocate the money for other needs. These benefits seem convincing enough to outperform its drawbacks. In conclusion, embracing technology in society brings more beneficial aspects like less time-consuming and cheaper. If society wisely uses automation, the negative effects are seen as minor problems.
Submitted by IELTS_8 on

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