New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do advantages of this outweigh disadvantages?

In the cutting-edge era,many new emerging technologies are available to the younger generation.
opportunity to explore brings a drastic transition in
spending their spare time.,
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I believe that, though latest technologies benefited
with wider options of entertainment ,updated information from across the world and multiple ways of learning.We cannot ignore the drawbacks as it has a negative impact on their fitness. On the one hand,almost every household has an internet connection.Electronic devices
as mobiles ,computers and touch pads are affordable and provide us options to browse information,play online games and watch videos of one's interest round the clock.
eased their route to learn, and get entertained in their focused areas without much effort.
For example
,Covid outbursts all over the world resulted in lockdown ,
were not allowed to attend physical classes.The Availability of the internet made learning possible even without attending in-person sessions at school.
,every child can access tons of information which keeps them up to date.
On the other hand
are getting addicted ,glued to the monitors all the time .
directly encourages a sedentary lifestyle, which affects their physical and mental fitness.
For instance
,in recent times obesity is the major cause of concern in the latest generation. Interest in accessing the internet and playing online games leads to physical inactivity.
In addition
, continuous exposure to mobile and computer screens has damaging effects on the eyes and brain development. In conclusion,
adapted the latest technologies in their day-to-day life to excel in studies and improving mental abilities.
resulted in a sedentary lifestyle causing life-threatening diseases at a young age which cannot be neglected.
Submitted by praveenareddy.p on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • new technologies
  • children
  • free time
  • access
  • educational resources
  • information
  • development
  • key skills
  • enhancing
  • creativity
  • imagination
  • opportunity
  • connect
  • convenience
  • flexibility
  • lack
  • physical activity
  • potential
  • health issues
  • impact
  • social
  • emotional development
  • exposure
  • inappropriate content
  • addiction
  • dependency
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