The rapid development of technology nowadays makes computers accessible for everyone, so it is prevalent to see early-age youngsters spending lots of their time on a screen.
phenomenon has become a debatable issue, whether it is beneficial or detrimental for Linking Words
. In Use synonyms
essay, I will suggest that being technologically savvy is the primary advantage of early computer exposure, whilst losing childhood time to socialise and the contingency of facing health issues are some drawbacks.
On the one hand, allowing Linking Words
to operate cutting-edge devices Use synonyms
as computers will develop youngsters' abilities with modern technology. Due to the fact that early-age child is a good Linking Words
, they can easily master a wide range of computer skills which may be worthwhile for their future. Fix the agreement mistake
, if they want to focus on that field, it is possible for them to make an earning from computer-related jobs. Linking Words
For instance
, many adolescents make a Youtube account and regularly upload specific videos, which Linking Words
can obtain some benefits for its monetary.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are several drawbacks which could influence Linking Words
's future lives. Use synonyms
, spending much time on screen will seize youngsters’ opportunity to socialise with their friends and environment. Linking Words
will likely become a problem when they are asked to get along or collaborate with others later in their adulthood. Linking Words
In addition
, as they sit in front of the computer for long period, they are less likely to develop physical strength, which leads to a vulnerable health condition. Linking Words
For instance
, research suggests that people who do not do enough exercise and sports activities in their childhood are more infectious to several health problems Linking Words
as obesity and fatigue-prone.
In conclusion, Linking Words
’s exposure to computers is like two sides of one coin, and its merit and demerit are indispensable. Use synonyms
, its detrimental effect could be diminished if they could make it a balance between on-screen activity and their Linking Words
's world.Use synonyms