It has been observed in the current era that cultural events are getting popularity. It is
an irrefutable fact many people incurred huge amounts on these programmes. In my opinion, it is bad for individuals and societies. Linking Words
essay will shed light on its positives and its negatives side in the upcoming paragraphs.
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To begin
with, there are myriad benefits which these events offer to the community. Linking Words
, It assists in establishing new businesses as well as in the growth of existing ones. Linking Words
In other words
, it encourages local products and boosts their turnover. To exemplify it, during sports events, a lot of people visit the stadium which enhances the income of that stadium in the form of Linking Words
ticket prices and refreshments. Correct article usage
, these sport meets provide employment opportunities to unemployed youth as organizing an event require numerous staff.
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On the other hand
, Linking Words
these are advantageous yet it has a negative side too. Primarily, not all but some people start betting on tournaments which is a curse to the nation. Linking Words
, They become addicted to gambling. Linking Words
, these cultural programmes are restricted to certain time boundaries which means they provide entertainment for only a short-term duration. Linking Words
For instance
, In Cricket, it takes only a few hours to complete a match. Linking Words
In addition
to it, there are some moments which can be missed by viewers.
To conclude, I would like to reiterate that despite having merits it has certain demerits which are far more. Linking Words
, its bad side is more powerful and effective in my view. Government and masses should join hands in order to remove these evils from the country in order to enjoy its pros.Linking Words