In the past, most people used to travel to their place work. With increased use of computers, the internet and smartphone, more and more people are starting to work from home. What are the advantage and disadvantage of this development?

in the
century thanks to the internet and the rise of electronic gadgets, we can complete a lot of work at home without going to the office. Some people think that it is a great innovation while others dislike it.
to begin
, working at residence provide several merits
as saving commuting time and being more comfortable for the employees in term of environment. to explain, a home-based-office does not need to waste time travelling to work and
people could spend more time doing other things.
for instance
, a conventional worker should spend approximately 30 minutes commuting, so the benefit is saving
30 minutes and spend in other things ,
as playing with their son or doing some sport.
, the environment is much more comfortable compared with the office since it is the place where the worker lives every day.
on the other hand
, undoubtedly it brings some back draws as well.To elaborate, Telecommuters have a lack of social contact with peers which may lead to depression
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in addition
, less productivity is another issue that should be taken into consideration.
For instance
, if the workplace is the only one where the worker could have some social interaction with other individuals, working at the domicile means that he will not have any social contact with anyone anymore.
In addition
, the isolation will have a harmful impact on the individual's psyche. In conclusion ,the pros and cons of working at home are evidently illustrated in
, it is not encouraged to have a complete home-based office, it should be a balance between remote working and traditional one.
Submitted by valenginis on

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