Some people believe that there should be fixed punishments for each type of crime. Others, however, argue that the circumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

One of the highly controversial issues today relates to whether the judiciary system should adopt fixed sentences for all
, or it should consider the
and motivation behind each misdeed. In
essay, I am going to shed some light on
question from both points of view and extend my support for the latter opinion. On one side of the argument, there are people who argue that the benefits of adopting a fixed punishment structure for the
committed considerably outweigh its disadvantages.
is because fixed punishments will probably save a lot of time and money that could
be directed for use in much-needed services in other sectors of the community
as health and education. Another reason for believing
is that criminals will think twice before they commit any crime, as they would realize that punishment is going to be swift and strict. One good illustration of
is the declining rate of
in some countries that adopt a very strict and harsh punitive system.
On the other hand
, it is
possible to make an opposing case. It is often argued that in many cases there are extenuating
behind many of the
committed, especially minor ones. People often have
opinion because in many countries and communities there may be strong factors influencing crime rates
as poverty and blackmailing.
, it is crucial for judges to consider all the
surrounding a defendant or a case to issue a just and fair verdict.
For instance
, a young woman convicted of public misconduct may have been forced into prostitution due to poverty.
, it goes without saying that their viewpoint is credible and realistic. To conclude, in my opinion, both arguments have their merits. On balance,
, I tend to believe that considering the
behind each crime is paramount in order to reach a fair and just verdict in the courtroom.
Submitted by phamthanhquy93 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • fixed punishments
  • consistency
  • predictability
  • deter crime
  • potential offenders
  • streamline
  • judicial process
  • bias
  • corruption
  • complexity
  • human behavior
  • circumstances
  • justice system
  • intent
  • remorse
  • socio-economic background
  • rehabilitate offenders
  • recidivism rates
  • flexible punishment systems
  • inconsistencies
  • perceived injustices
  • public trust
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