In the future all cars, buses and trucks will be driverless. The only people travelling inside these vehicles will be passengers. Do you think the advantages of diverless vehicles outweigh the disadvantages.

In the coming times, many forms of vehicles may not require drivers to control them.
is quite beneficial from a wide perspective. Automated transportation is a need of the hour, but there are minor drawbacks to
most needed facility. I am of the opinion that the pros of automatic vehicles outweigh the cons both of which will be discussed in detail.
and foremost, the primary reason for
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of driverless transport is because of the safety and security of travelling they provide.
For instance
, many studies have revealed the fact that the majority of accidents are caused due to human negligence and error. Self-automated transportation can eliminate the human factor and increase road safety to ensure smooth journeys.
, older and disabled people will find it comfortable to travel as they can move according to their desires and do not require anybody to escort them.
, people can engage in some other work or hobbies as they can utilise the time they spend driving. Many organizations will be benefitted from
facility. Say ,
for example
, self-automated vehicles will be used to deliver and transport goods and
labour costs will be reduced considerably.
,goods will be prone to less damage thereby proving beneficial to enterprises.
form of transit has minor setbacks as well. From the employment and career ,perspective it serves as a major disadvantage. Many drivers will lose their jobs and they will not be required
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will result in poverty.
For example
, in ,India 80 per cent of people earn their living by working as drivers .Automated shipment will steal their jobs and leave them unemployed.
, automated transport has high maintenance costs and causes major inconvenience if damaged. To summarize, self-drive transit proves to be a merit as it promotes safety and security in travelling whereas it adversely affects employment and is expensive In the long run.
Submitted by nairharipriya337 on

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