It is impossible to help all the people in the world, so governments should only focus on people in their own countries. Do you agree or disagree?

No one can deny that All over the world individuals try to help poor people but it is not possible to help everyone, so authorities trying to provide good facilities for their own national citizens. I agree with
notion, Good to help for homeless is massive and it's a good effect on their new youths I discuss will in the upcoming paragraphs.
To begin
with the agreement, Nowadays numerous regions will invest a chunk amount of money to serve free food centres and it has a good impact on their state and unrich people feel happy and their life is well going to
trend. To explain, Many new industries are introduced to their region's one-time meal service
as they will not charge for
stuff and they will try to help all over the globe but it is tricky to handle
positive development.
For instance
, In the UK lawmakers declare that their economic tax will now provide for poor states because they think it is good for unemployed regions and they will serve many items for use to homeless families.
, It has good aftermath for their community and in the future poorness' will be invisible with the contribution to
trend. To commence with the disagreement, It is not impossible to help all nations because all countries will be joined in one group and
try to help each other
as food resources and financial things etc.
In other words
, Is good for any province's neighbourhood due to they will fight together with their opponents and their power will be beneficial for their nation's recession and both countries will develop.
For example
, In Asia, content all regional groups will be on one hand their friendship is so strong it has a good impact on their new kindergarten because they will be easily going abroad for study and work purposes.
, It is important to help everybody because it benefits after the dying life. In conclusion, Everything is possible with the contribution to helping others and it has a good learning effect for new children.
, It is an essential part of life to do good things in society
as the relationship between the poor and the rich.
Submitted by razab5469 on

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