Some peole say history is one of the most important school subjects. Other people think that, in today's world. subjects like Scince adn Technology are more important than History . Discuss bith these views and give your own opinion .

Unquestionably, every coin has two sides and so is the nation . Society's people are divided into two groups and
, wrangling about which subject should be valued more than the others has become a topic of debate among the community and experts.
essay will discuss and compare opinions and contrast them along with my point of view which is in the favour of one of the viewpoints and
it will be discussed in a sensible conclusion . Initiating with the points supporting the
school of thought,
, some folks would say that history is the foundation of civilization and it should be prioritized over all other fields . The community who support
notion say that humanity not only should try to keep its precious intellectual heritage but
society has to learn from their ancestors if they are truly willing to build a better and brighter forthcoming. In fact, looking back at your legacies might close your eyes toward the incoming events. As a consequence, you might not be ready for forecasting the needs of your future. On the contrasting side, folk who held another viewpoint say that science and technology should be preferred over all . They believe that Science and modern Tech are the most dominant element for shaping our future.
, they indicate that relying on
advantageous knowledge would help humans to go after their never-ending dreams
as peace and eradicating poverty. To conclude, I would like to say that, we are not going to shape our forthcoming perfectly unless we look at the past and try not to make their faults a
time. So History is just as important as every other subject and all of the subjects should be treated equally.
, it will depend upon the mindsets of the community and which view they are in favour of.
Submitted by mohammadhoseineghlidos on

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