Nowadays, a growing number of people with health problems are trying alternative medicines and treatments instead of visiting their usual doctor. Do you think this is a positive or negative development ?

In the current era, a significant number of people are shifting towards alternative medicines when dealing with health problems
of taking the advice and opinion of an actual doctor.
essay will
elaborate on why, in my point of view, I claim that
phenomenon has a negative impact on sick people and should be banned.
To begin
with, alternative treatments gained in popularity
due to
their "Placebo effect".
In other words
, when people strongly believe that a certain treatment could cure their illness, it is likely that they see a positive change,
is just a theory and not scientifically proven.
, many alternative medicines available are not supported by scientific evidence. To illustrate, it is common in my native country, Morocco, to believe in the efficiency of natural medicine rather than taking chemical medication prescribed by doctors,
these latest struggle to fight against
, the population should make a difference between what is scientifically proven and what is not.
, these types of medications could be risky and dangerous, especially natural and herbal medications. Some herbs, available and sold under the name of "treatments", could make some diseases worse which,
, leads to serious health problems.
For example
, cancer is an illness that only reacts to chemical medication and radiotherapy, but patients keep searching for alternatives unconsciously impacting negatively their
health. To summarize, I personally claim that the population should stay away from unprescribed medications and rather opt for what is scientific by visiting their usual doctors because these types of treatments could lead to physical damage and hurt if taken without being prudent.
Submitted by fatimazahra.kanbar on

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task response
Task Response: The essay partially addresses the prompt by presenting the writer's opinion on the use of alternative medicines instead of visiting doctors. However, the essay lacks a balanced discussion of both positive and negative aspects of this trend. It would be beneficial to acknowledge potential benefits of alternative medicines while still emphasizing the risks.
coherence cohesion
Coherence and Cohesion: The logical structure of the essay is quite clear, with a well-organized introduction and conclusion. The main points are supported with relevant examples, demonstrating a good level of coherence. However, the essay could benefit from stronger transition words and phrases to enhance the overall cohesion and flow of ideas.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • alternative medicines
  • treatments
  • positive development
  • negative development
  • health problems
  • usual doctor
  • access
  • personalized approach
  • holistic well-being
  • lack of regulation
  • evidence-based research
  • proper medical treatment
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