A magazine wants to include contributions from its readers for an article called 'The book that influenced me most. Write a letter to the editor of the magazine about the book that influenced you most. In your letter * describe what this book was about * explain how this book influenced you * say whether this book would be likely to influence other people

Dear Sir or Madam, I am an avid reader of your magazine and am writing
letter to share my favourite
which influenced me as a teenager and contribute to the article. The
which had a significant impact on me growing up was Amazing Grace by Daniel Steel. The novel focuses on the lives of three women in the different wakes of life, their relationships and experiences and their tragedies. It describes their lives before an earthquake and its aftermath. The character Sarah Sloane is a strong-headed and independent woman who has to deal with their dazzling and rich lives being overturned. 
, the
particularly inspired my inexperienced mind to grow up and be empowered with financial independence.
In addition
, it taught me to be ready for any challenges and how life is full of uncertainties.
family and friends are pillars of strength, they can falter and make mistakes which is why it is essential to learn to forgive.
, I would recommend sharing
in your article as I feel it would help people learn valuable lessons about life. Particularly youngsters who are susceptible to holding grudges can learn about forgiveness. I hope you would include my suggestions in your upcoming article and I will look forward to reading it. Yours faithfully, Jane Doe
Submitted by kaurmanpreet1208 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • influenced
  • contributions
  • readers
  • 'The Alchemist'
  • Paulo Coelho
  • embarks
  • journey
  • personal legend
  • valuable
  • life lessons
  • inspiring
  • pursue
  • themes
  • following one's heart
  • seeking adventure
  • embracing the unknown
  • resonate
  • wide range
  • potential
  • inspire
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