Due to the development of biological technology, there is a lot of genetically modified food has been innovated and provided in our daily lives. Some people believe that it brings many advantages while others opine that it is jeopardizing eco-systems. In my opinion, the advantages overweight the disadvantages.
On one hand, genetically modified food eliminates famine around the world. With higher resistance to pests and weather, the cost of growing the plants can be reduced for less pesticide and water use.
In addition
, genetic engineering improves the amount or quality of the corps. That helps poor countries and nations which are close to the equator to develop agriculture and save civilians from hunger. Linking Words
For example
, Taiwan provided the knowledge of genetically modified rice to the Gambia which improved rice production significantly because the plants grow faster and have better drought resistance. It benefits the locals by solving famine issues in the country.
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On the other hand
, some scientists are worried that genetically modified organisms affect negatively human bodies and contribute to allergic reactions. Linking Words
For instance
, genetically modified soybeans created using DNA from nuts can put people with nut allergies at risk. Linking Words
, nowadays, genetically modified food needs to go through a series of examinations and allergen tests which make sure the issues are prevented.
In conclusion, genetically modified crops can be the solution to hunger in developing nations. Linking Words
, allergen testing guarantee human health will not be harmed. Linking Words
As a result
, the development of genetically modified crops has more benefits than drawbacks.Linking Words