In some countries, owning a home rather than renting one is very important for people. Why might this be the case ? Do you think this a positive or negative situation ?

paper will discuss the premise of the importance for some people to live in their own house
of renting one. In my opinion, the idea of possessing property can generate more benefits because it makes you freedom in some way.
aim might be due to having your own property makes you hold monetary value, namely, an investment for the future.
, renting is just paying for a place which is never going to be yours and is considered wasting money.
, owning a house lets individuals personalize it as they want like a particular decoration, structural modifications or changing furniture.
For example
, when I was living in Madrid in a rented apartment, the rental agreement stipulated that everything should be retained as before. Especially, a big issue is pets and 90% of the flats on rent do not permit animals.
is a problem since nowadays a lot of individuals have one.
, landlords do not want damage
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their houses because animals can cause it. From my point of view, there are more pros than cons to being a property owner. You feel that place is home and that you do not have to be worried about landlords and monthly payments to them. Another reason is that the proper owners can rent rooms in their
Fix the agreement mistake
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For instance
, there are old people that are not confident enough to live on their own and they offer a place to live for
, there are a lot of opportunities
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owning a home because if you are planning to move, you can always make it an Airbnb and continue to gain money without the necessity of selling it. In conclusion, there are a lot of benefits for those who own a flat as you can change it and make decisions as you want.
Submitted by belenbelen.glez on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • ownership
  • renting
  • importance
  • sense of security
  • stability
  • financial investment
  • asset
  • customize
  • decorate
  • belonging
  • community
  • potential
  • future generations
  • long-term
  • cost advantage
  • control
  • living space
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