Some people say it is important to keep your home and your workplace to keep your home and your workplace tidy with everything organised and in correct place. What is your opinion about this?

Since mankind's foray into civilization began, the cleanliness of their surroundings has been given paramount importance. Even today, governments around the world are establishing various kinds of initiatives to keep villages, towns and cities clean. Many are of the opinion that
practices are a must and necessary in a common man's household and at their place of business. I am in complete agreement with
statement. In my essay, I will discuss points in its favour along with a sensible conclusion.
To begin
with, cleanliness at home is important because of a multitude of factors. The biggest one that can be stated is that it offers peace of mind. The chaos of the outside can be very stressful for many individuals.
, when a person enters a tidy house, the brain immediately starts to relax, as it finds calmness in the order.
For instance
, when I step out, I find many random variables everywhere around me and I get flustered. But I am comforted by the fact that I have a home to get back to where everything is in an orderly fashion, as my wife and I are both clean freaks.
In addition
to that,
a place will help make your body healthy. Regular cleaning will remove invisible germs and bugs that can make you fall ill.
For example
, when I jog threw my memory, I have fallen sick many times in a shared flat of bachelors where cleanliness was of the least importance.
, keeping a tidy workstation at the place of the job
has many benefits.
, it can help you find necessary things, in times of urgency, more quickly.
, a clear desk helps in focussing better on task completion.
For example
, I have observed one of my colleagues, who has a tendency of keeping an untidy desk, often fall behind in completing his activities, as he is constantly searching for things and not finding them quickly.
, a tidy workstation creates a better impression on the superiors. In conclusion, a tidy household and uncluttered workstation will have a huge positive impact on many aspects of life, professionally and personally.
, it is up to us as human beings to spend an appropriate amount of time keeping our surroundings in an orderly manner.
Submitted by ppudhav.3 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • organised
  • clutter-free
  • productivity
  • mental clarity
  • efficiency
  • professionalism
  • first impressions
  • ergonomics
  • aesthetically pleasing
  • compulsive neatness
  • functional space
  • minimising distractions
  • systematic arrangement
  • time management
  • work-life balance
  • streamline
  • feng shui
  • optimal performance
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