There is no denying the fact that the problem of products made out of unnatural materials is turning out to be catastrophic for the environment. Today, our surroundings are filled with things made from them and their growing numbers are deteriorating the soil, oceans and earth, in general. In my essay, I will discuss the problems created because of its continued usage and the steps that need to be taken to stop
destruction along with a suitable conclusion.
Initiating the factors that are causing damage by the usage of Linking Words
, the biggest one can be stated is the pollution it creates. It does not decompose easily and stays as-is for as long as 140 years. Use synonyms
, its garbage disposal becomes extremely troublesome. If burnt, it pollutes the air and changes the composition of our atmosphere, creating breathing difficulties for living beings. If dumped in water bodies, it destroys aquatic life, as it kills the plants and fishes that eat them. To cite an instance, Scientists have predicted that in 30 years, oceans will have more Linking Words
than fish, which will disturb the oceanic ecosystems and result in erratic rain patterns. Use synonyms
, if they are left on land, it alters soil composition, affecting nutrients which ultimately decreases agricultural produce and forests.
Linking Words
, if adequate initiatives are taken up Linking Words
it is possible to stop Linking Words
rate of deterioration and protect the planet. Waste disposal should be segregated so that authorities can easily purpose garbage made completely out of Linking Words
to construct roads. Use synonyms
For instance
, I was involved in a project with the Goa pollution board, which wanted to implement a system where waste from every house is segregated. Linking Words
ensured that Linking Words
waste is separated at the source and is used for productive operation. Use synonyms
, the authorities should ban the use of Linking Words
which will reduce its production. To cite an example, the governments of the state of Maharashtra and Karnataka have successfully abolished its usage and reports emerged stating that pollution levels are decreasing at a considerable rate.
In conclusion, solving a global crisis of negative effects of Use synonyms
management on the environment, cannot be solved overnight. I am of the view that everybody should come together to solve the issue at the grass-root level. Only Use synonyms
we can ensure the preservation of our surroundings.Linking Words