a magazine wants to include contributions from its reader for an article called "the book that influence me most" write a letter to the editor of the magazine about the book that influenced you most. in your letter -describe what this book was about -explain how this book influenced you -say whether this book would be likely to influence other people

Dear Mr Amini I am writing
letter regarding the request which was asked about the most effective
we have ever read. I have really found
worth reading due to several reasons.
, seeing that it was written by a truly well-known author who writes about a variety of approaches to achieve our purpose.
, owing to its method of writing which is gripping, makes the books unputdownable. On one hand, as I am a fully ambitious person I am really engrossed in
since it helps me reach the position which I had been planning for it many years in terms of giving plenty pieces of guidance and advice.
, some members of the public want to manage their life plans according to their own strategies.
As a result
, I suppose if citizens are eager to consult in their affairs, will find
fully beneficial. Yours sincerely, Sara Ezat
Submitted by saeedforoghi538 on

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