your local council is considering closing a sports and leisure centre that it runs, in order to save money write a letter to the local council -give details of how you and your friends or family use the centre -explan why the sports leisure centre is important for the local community -describe the possible effects on local people if the center closes

Dear Mr I am writing to you regarding the decision on closing down the gym in my neighbourhood.
unique entertainment and sports centre was constructed many years ago and the majority of the residents of
residential area have been utilizing there on a daily basis, for doing a wide variety of activities
as exercise, playing team games like football and volleyball or even walking in it especially, in winter.
place plays a vital role in our region
, because of the high applications of
venue for the inhabitants of
densely populated area
, due to the lack of adequate playgrounds and recreational premises for adolescents nearby and
, since not only young adults but
the senior citizens of
site are using here which is truly beneficial for maintaining their good health.
, if
place is going to close by the officials, many health and mental difficulties will become prevalent in these circumstances. Regarding all mentioned items, I kindly request you as the representative of the citizens of here to remain here open to the public. Your Sincerely, Saeid Sami.
Submitted by saeedforoghi538 on

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