It is often argued that travelling by aeroplane has its own perils which cause pollution and will finish the world's resources;
, it should be restricted. I completely disagree with Linking Words
opinion and in Linking Words
essay will explain the main reasons.
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, we are living now in an open economy; Linking Words
, we can consider the world as a small village and we need to travel around frequently to handle different types of activities Linking Words
as trading and other sources of direct investment. Linking Words
For example
, some countries have natural resources but they do not have the ability to reproduce them in different shapes meanwhile others have the technology to produce finished products from them which is essential for all of the world. That's why it is important to consider Linking Words
point while thinking about the perils of restriction.
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, nowadays many cities are depending on tourism as a main source of income and using air travel is considered the fastest mean always. Linking Words
For instance
, if planes are stopped and replaced with ships, the income of these countries will be affected by a lower rate of visitors. Linking Words
In other words
, we should look for efficient alternative ways to handle reaching other places without affecting the rate of travellers to make sure the income source for different families will not be affected.
To conclude, I strongly believe that air travel is important for maintaining relations with others and keeping cash inflow for some countries, but we can put some controls in place in order to limit it as far as it could to save our nature and resources.Linking Words