It is important for children to learn the different between right and wrong at an early age. Punishment is necessary to help them learn this distinction. To what extend do you agree or disagree.

It is said that punishment is crucial to educate kids in terms of how to distinguish between correct and incorrect at a young age.
, I entirely oppose
statement based on other teaching methods that can be used.
and foremost, we can use approaches other than damnation,
as case studies to teach students. It is true that abuse means involved pain both physical and mental, like hitting with a stick and slapping.
In contrast
, teaching methods,
for example
, showing cases of bad behaviour provide an opportunity to child understand what they should or should not do.
, Western parenting tends to use a mild way to teach their children, like telling them to avoid misbehaving, like taking drugs or drinking excessively. It reveals that teenagers can learn how to identify different actions without being physically hurt.
As a result
, retributing is not the best way to educate the youth,
by contrast
, the case studies approach allows pupils to learn, and prevent misbehaviours.
, it is not uncommon for parents to punish their kids when they have any bad actions due to their effectiveness. As we all know, damnation creates physical pain for the youth,
as wound bleeding.
, multiple pieces of research illustrate an enormous number of mothers and fathers who claimed that their teens tend not to engage in negative activities after abuse, which depicts the effectiveness of physical retribution.
, a rising number of parents choose to punish their children as a kind of education.
argument, though of certain validity at
glance, fails to reckon the mental condition of the younger generation. It is undoubted that teenagers might emotionally break down when they experienced serious retribution, and
, they have a chance to suffer from different mental illnesses,
for instance
, PTSD which is the most common illness found in youngsters who experienced severe punishment. On a whole, there are various methods to teach youngsters, so we should not choose the one which may hurt them, as well as, hinder their mental health. In a nutshell, I strongly disagree with
statement, as there are various approaches which let the youth learn how to identify between right and wrong activities.
Submitted by clara on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • moral development
  • positive reinforcement
  • natural consequences
  • constructive punishment
  • punitive measures
  • psychological effects
  • self-esteem
  • aggression
  • anxiety
  • time-outs
  • loss of privileges
  • logical consequences
  • discipline
  • affection
  • internalize
  • modeling moral behavior
  • collaborative activities
  • ethical dilemmas
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