In a number countries, some people think that it is necessary to spend large sum of money on constructing new railway lines for very fast trains between cities. Other belives that the money should be spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both views and give your own opinion?

group of individuals believe that a huge amount of budget is spent on the construction of new railway lines for imported and as well as high-speed trains.
, the
group of humans think that the government should spend the money for recovering conveyances of the public. In my opinion, even trains are
needed to use
because they are cheap and move quickly inside the urban areas from one point to another. On the right hand, there is a big demand for railway transportation.
their tickets are precious it includes all the amenities for their passengers.
For instance
, it is more commonly used by tourists because it is convenient for travelling from one city to another. During the trip, they can even sleep, have lunch and take a shower.
, after getting off the train
of going to the restaurant they could take a tour without wasting a time and money.
On the other hand
, there is a minus about
. Though they are cheap some of them do not have an air conditioning system and they are small. Take
for example
kind of public vehicle in my country. They are too and there are cracks inside the
which may split the transport in half.
, considering all the factors,
has resulted in a car accident. In conclusion, I think that even though trains go faster than buses people still prefer the
because they are not expensive and they do not require extra documents.
Submitted by makemoneyizzy16 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • connectivity
  • economic growth
  • sustainable development
  • environmentally friendly
  • cost-effective
  • public transport
  • maintenance issues
  • demographic
  • modernization
  • accessibility
  • commuters
  • traffic congestion
  • private vehicles
  • urban
  • rural
  • balanced approach
  • transportation needs
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