It is argued that
of spending huge sums on exaggerated national ceremonies, governments should prioritise the improvement of social conditions. Personally, even though I believe holding national Linking Words
is important to countries, I do not think there is a need to overspend on them.
Use synonyms
, celebrating national Linking Words
can foster national culture and boost national unity. Use synonyms
, spending a lot of money for only a few days, Linking Words
as spending on fireworks displays, seems to be wasteful, especially for developing countries. When many citizens are suffering from poverty and die of hunger, it is difficult to cultivate a country's culture with celebrations. Under Linking Words
circumstance, ensuring a decent life for all citizens should be a priority.
Linking Words
, achieving national cultural continuity can be done without excessive cost, Linking Words
for example
, by paying celebrities to perform for Linking Words
. Use synonyms
On the contrary
, people can learn more about their national culture by organizing their own Linking Words
. Use synonyms
For instance
, in Taiwan, every local community organizes dragon boat races to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. In Linking Words
way, there are no unnecessary costs and it allows everyone to work closely and celebrate together. Linking Words
, the less money is spent on celebrations, the more money could be spent on other social needs to improve education and health services or to alleviate poverty.
In conclusion, celebrating national festivals does not necessarily rely on high expenditure. Linking Words
it is good for citizens to connect as a nation, the best way is not through a spectacular celebration, but rather through providing beneficial services to make the country better in every way.Linking Words