Some people feel that boarding schools are excellent option for children, while other people disagree for a number of reasons.consider both sides of this debate and reach a conclusion.

nowadays education is considered a right for every child around the world.
, there is a debate regarding boarding school, where some
believe that it is an ideal option, while others refuse
essay will discuss both views and give a conclusion. To start, boarding schools provide a perfect environment for studying.
, the area is restricted and students have to follow certain rules during their stay which control their behaviours and keep them focused on their courses.
, there is less chance for distraction and interaction with family members and the surroundings unlike at home, students are often interrupted during their studies to do other unnecessary tasks that might waste their time and lose their attention
For instance
, a recent study showed that children's concentration increases twice in a school setting due to several factors that lead to better learning outcomes. On the other side, youngsters in the absence of their
might lack confidence and suffer from social anxiety. Eventually, family is the greatest blessing as it provides support and love to its members and guides them during their journey.
For example
, teachers at boarding schools often complain of difficulties in communicating with students and state that they often prefer to stay alone despite their attempts to involve them in several activities.
In addition
, youngsters may learn inappropriate actions without any supervision and
as a result
, they might lack vital moral and cultural principles. To conclude, boarding schools might provide an ideal environment for learning;
, the absence of
might result in detrimental consequences.
should be wise and consider
option carefully before taking the final decision, especially at a young age.
Submitted by ayoub.mehdi on

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