Some people say that it is possible to tell a lot about a person’s culture and character from their choice of clothes. Do you agree or disagree?

In modern ,society a vast variety of fashionable clothes can be seen in each and every kind of cloth shop around the world. Some people believe that a person's culture can be judged by their dress. I totally disagree with the argument, and
essay will discuss it in detail by providing relevant evidence to prove the opinion.
and foremost, there is a famous statement that says "Do not judge the book by its cover". So I believe that
is often correct because there are lots of professionals who provide valuable services to society
as volunteer social employees, environmentalists, journalists, charity workers, etc, who do fashion in their personal life.
, some politicians in some developing countries wear fully white dresses to impress others so that they have no dirt in their lives, but most of them are not good in their characters according to my personal experience.
, it is better not to evaluate somebody by their way of dressing. The other thing that I would like to emphasize is that the way of thinking regarding the public by their clothes has come from the king's age as I believed personally because there were different types of dress codes according to their service to the king. There were blue-colour and white-colour jobs, and
they might use for casual events to maintain their status.
As a result
of, these behaviours people tend to evaluate people by how they look in their dress. To conclude, the traditional thinking pattern of trying to know about an individual on his or her clothes has come across from the ruling pattern in history which is not commonly giving a right judgment of a person. So it is better to eliminate
kinds of outdated thinking patterns from modern society.
Submitted by jds.sampath on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • garments
  • traditional attire
  • sartorial choices
  • expressive style
  • cultural identity
  • psychological implications
  • non-verbal cues
  • globalization
  • perceptions
  • professional demeanor
  • societal norms
  • economic constraints
  • subcultures
  • fashion movements
  • individualism
  • stereotype
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