In the present day, it is true that a lot of famous figures are well known for their wealth and glamour
of achievements and success. Some argue that Linking Words
has a negative effect on teenagers, and I completely agree with Linking Words
On the one hand, there are several reasons why I consider Linking Words
to be detrimental to young adults. Linking Words
, youngsters may be easily misled by their idols because they are not mentally mature enough to distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Linking Words
For example
, they would consider money and wealth Linking Words
of the utmost importance if their idols are famous for wealth. Change the verb form
to be
is more likely to encourage people to believe in materialism, which will undoubtedly have a negative impact on society. Linking Words
As a result
, students will desperately dream about being rich and they will no longer be eager Linking Words
for acquiring
knowledge and professional skills, resulting in a lack of a productive workforce.
Change preposition
to acquire
On the other hand
, youngsters need a positive role model. Linking Words
In other words
, they require someone who is knowledgeable and motivated to teach them and to open the door to a promising career path for them. Apparently, celebrities who are not famous for their achievements in science or society are not proper role models. Linking Words
well-known figures cannot benefit students in terms of studies and they only care about making a profit.
In conclusion, an increasing number of famous people are known for the glamour and money they possess rather than their contribution to society nowadays, and I believe Linking Words
could be detrimental to youngsters.Linking Words