Many manufactured food and drink products contain high levels of sugar which causes many health problems. Sugary products should be made more expensive to encourage people to consume less sugar. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, a vast amount of sugar added to foods and drinks is probably the key to gaining popularity amount consumers. Some consider it extremely detrimental to the physical health of customers
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and even suggest that the
of sugary
should be increased in order to discourage people from consuming too many carbohydrates. I totally agree with
view, because sugary
are roots for a variety of health problems, and a
increase of sweet
can help people get rid of harmful habits.
of all, there is no doubt that food containing high levels of carbohydrates is the fundamental cause of numerous health issues,
for instance
, high blood pressure, heart attack, and diabetes at a young age. As sugar plays a critical role in contributing to the flavour profile of foods to make them delicious, lots of consumers find themselves overeating sugary items unconsciously which often results in obesity.
, obesity will lead to more severe fitness problems to make things even worse.
, increasing the
of sugar-heavy
will prevent folks from consuming an exceeding amount of sugar and in the long run, improve their physical condition.
, a higher bill for sugar-heavy edibles allows the government to receive additional tax income, which could be used to offer free and nutritious meals to the poor in order to narrow down the gap between the rich and the poor. Typically, families with economic struggles are far more likely to over-consume sugary items on sale, because they cannot afford nutritious, balanced food. By utilizing the extra tax revenue from food manufacturers to help those suffering from poverty and hunger, the government can take its
steps to enhance the average standard of living, and
boosts the overall well-being of society. In conclusion, an excess of sweetened foods and beverages poses severe dangers to individuals and society. I believe we should make every attempt to discourage the over-consumption of sweetened
. Increasing their
will not only protect the public from physical illnesses but
enhance the standard of living of all citizens.
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Topic Vocabulary:
  • health problems
  • manufactured food and drink products
  • sugary products
  • excessive sugar consumption
  • discourage
  • promote
  • healthier choices
  • reduce
  • increased taxes
  • fund
  • health education
  • prevention programs
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