Some people believe that studying abroad is important because it expands a person’s knowledge and understanding of the world. Others feel that it is better to study at home because that is the best way to prepare for a career in the student’s own country. Discuss both view and give your opinion.

A growing number of people are of the view that studying overseas is vital due to the fact that students’ skills develop and they become wiser.
, there are some who believe that there is a necessity to graduate from their own
's university for the reason that it is the easiest way to have a job at their home. From my perspective, there are some reasons which emphasise that it is better to study abroad so I am going to consider them below. On the one hand, those who have received a foreign degree are more likely to have better job offers which are well-paid because students have the ability to speak some languages.
For example
, if an employee has a choice between two candidates, he/she will prefer a person who has more advantages
as speaking not only a mother tongue.
, it leads an individual to a high-quality life.
, those who were lucky enough to study overseas become more independent. Since students leave their parent’s house, they have to deal with different life issues
as spending money wisely or cooking dishes for lunch.
, their life experience expands which
Unnecessary verb
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helps them to grow up.
On the other hand
, there is an essence to
Wrong verb form
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science in the own
For example
, If every student had the possibility to study abroad there would be no specialists in a
who could work there.
, someone needs to choose to stay in their own
to help in increasing their economy. To conclude, both points of view have their pros and cons.
, I am totally convinced that the upsides of studying overseas overweigh all the advantages of studying in a home
Submitted by nejo.quol on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • expand one's horizons
  • cultural immersion
  • language proficiency
  • global perspective
  • educational diversity
  • professional networking
  • local job market
  • career prospects
  • financial burden
  • industry practices
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