Some companies sponsor sports to advertise themselves.some people think it is good while others think there are disadvantages.Discuss both views ang give your opinion?

Nowadays, sponsorship in sporting events is common for corporations to promote themselves. While it is thought by some to be a useful method, other people consider it can be detrimental. In my opinion, I consider that sports sponsors can bring about more advantages compared to any problems they might bring. Despite the drawbacks below, I believe the benefits of sponsors gained by sporting teams and companies are extremely useful for their development.
, players are given free equipment which they could not afford
can lead players to focus more on their competition,
of being distracted by financial concerns.
As a result
, they are more likely to get better results and performance.
, sponsorship provides increased media exposure for a company and its brands.
, corporations can showcase their products and make more profits. Admittedly, there are some issues involved when companies sponsor sports stars. One problem is that it will affect product sales if the player misbehaves
as taking drugs or defrauding. At the same time, the reputation of
company will
be damaged swiftly due to the tight link to that player’s fame.
situation is rare, only happening in a few athletics. Another negative aspect is that sportsmen tend to over-rely on investment which is easily withdrawn.
would put them at financial risk and have a devastating effect on their careers. In conclusion,
people may vary in their opinions, I think that not only athletic teams but
companies stand a better chance to succeed if sponsoring sports.
Submitted by aliciaouyang0117 on

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