Countries are becoming similar because people are able to buy the same product anywhere in the world. Do you think this is a positive or negative development? Give reasons for your answers and include relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience/

Nowadays, the similarity of nations has increased due to the ability of customers to purchase the same goods across the world. I believe it has affected us positively, and in
essay, I will delve into
statement. These days, all the people in every country because of having
ability to order their items thanks to the improvement of technology have become similar to each other.
, I think
trend helps different citizens to have equality.
For example
, Amazon is an online shop provided for many societies buying the latest version of any product, so, individuals can be benefited from its advantages despite their cultures and nationalities.
, we are living on a planet and having borders cannot separate us.
, becoming similar to each other could unite nations more efficiently. Following
, when all the peoples feel they do not have any difference from others, conflicts and arguments or even war would happen rarely.
On the contrary
, elders who are sensitive to their traditions and culture may not accept it immediately, because, if teenagers and the youth wear clothes produced all in western, they will be attached to foreign history
of their national one.
is threatening the values of elders and conventional citizens.
For instance
, after introducing and promoting Christmas in Iran through social media, children and some adults have less tendency to celebrate Nowroz.
, it is predicted we will not have our ceremonies related to the new year in the near future. To sum up, ordering tools as same as others in other communities can increase the sense of unity and spread equal opportunities,
, some traditions could be damaged or vanished.
Submitted by amin.ranjbar77 on

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