We all need suggestions in our lives at one or the other point. Many believe that it is good to take opinion from other people whilst others think that they should rely on web or books for the same. I support the latter view and
essay will discuss both the ideas in detail.
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, those who prefer taking advice from others are more positive in their lives. They certainly trust their fellows in making decisions of their lives. Linking Words
For example
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choosing a stream after high school degree, students often take views of their teachers and seniors. No doubt, it is a better approach but with the increasing competition in society, it is difficult to have faith on other individuals. As jealousy and peer pressure is rising, people are rarely giving honest advice for other person's welfare.
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On the other hand
, internet and books are not contaminanted with Linking Words
human feelings. Linking Words
, they are more pure source of information when it comes to getting a good suggestion. Linking Words
For instance
: if you search on an application for the career choice, it will give you vast results of all the opportunities and options available without any judgement or bias. Linking Words
, it is easy to evaluate and compare the conclusions obtained from the web search rather than having an individual's opinion.
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, in the conclusion, we can say that we should highly rely on unbiased source of information Linking Words
as books, novels, magazines and internet. Linking Words
, taking suggestions from people is Linking Words
not harmful as long as the person you are approaching to have good intentions for you.Linking Words