Myriads of people believe that facility which is providing facilities
, zoos, and,
parkFix the agreement mistake
show examples
should be
non profitableAdd a hyphen
show examples
. While
,Remove the comma
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other pupils
claimsChange the verb form
show examples
that it is not appropriate we should spend money on these kinds of things. The importance of public facilities was always debatable and has now become more controversial. Few claim that it is beneficial. Others reject
notion. In my, opinion the position of public facilities appears to be more rational. In
essay we will
elaborate on the positive and negative impact of
trend and
will lead to a logical conclusion.
There are countless reasons which will
argument but the most alarming fact is that poor nations
as India, China, Africa, and, Nepal population have not much wealth to
experiencesWrong verb form
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these kinds of
serviceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
. Another pivotal aspect of
argument is that parks and
magnificentAdd an article
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partFix the agreement mistake
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of our life. It
is helpChange the verb form
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gainingWrong verb form
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knowledge about fitness and education. Needless to say, all these merits stand in good stead.
, there are some pitfalls that negate
thesesCorrect your spelling
show examples
arguments which can certainly overwhelm the potential influence of
, the bullet point is that the government spending most of the money on
and we should
contributedChange the verb form
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prosperityAdd an article
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regionAdd an article
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in the zoo, carnal are starving and pressure on the higher authorities increased rapidly. So, if we spend our valuable money on them it is
adequateAdd an article
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massiveCorrect article usage
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volume of wisdom and maintenance is a requirement of
, we will
spendingChange the verb form
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dollars on
, parks have workers who
have Unnecessary verb
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takeFix the infinitive
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ofChange preposition
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parkCorrect article usage
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and they need
a wagesCorrect the article-noun agreement
show examples
fulfillChange the spelling
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life demands . Perhaps, we should
toChange preposition
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the park.
According to the argument aforementioned above, one can reach
to Change preposition
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aCorrect article usage
show examples
conclusion that
benefitsCorrect article usage
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of public properties are instrumental indeed.
it'sCorrect your spelling
show examples
potential drawbacks should not be overlooked either.