It is undeniable, that Covid-19 affect human life badly, it
opened new doors to change the working and study cultures. With the advancement, as humans become so busy and fast they do their most of work using mobile and computers. I completely agree that if technologies become cheaper will change lifestyles in an accommodative way. In Linking Words
essay, I will support my opinion with certain examples.
Linking Words
, it is observed that during the Linking Words
saviour pandemic that bound people to stay at their accommodation, many firms offer to do work from house as well as colleges offer to teach online. Linking Words
exercise show multiple advantages of working from accommodation Linking Words
as reduced fuel consumption and time-saving. As studies say that we already used much fuel from the depth earth so they try to reduce the consumption of oil. Linking Words
For example
, as some community has a rule of odd days for traffic possible if inventions become accessible at low rates it will Linking Words
help to reduce oil usage. Linking Words
, it Linking Words
has been seen that studies from the house will overcome the time used in travelling.
On the hand, where research told us the advantages of doing jobs from home raise the disadvantages of Linking Words
development. In the current world, the biggest problem is people's physical and mental health. With daily inventions, the community become lazy and some of them become desk-bound regarding their work. They do not even have physical movement during their daily life which causes fatty bodies and diabatic. Linking Words
In addition
, due to living inside the whole time, human interaction becomes very low so which is the major reason behind mantle health. Most of our population throughout the world has stress issues and is introverted.
In conclusion, I must say that where technologies help society Linking Words
affect their lifestyles. Possibly if the reduction in the prices of computers and mobiles will be helpful in many perspectives as well as it will have a bad impact on human health. I strongly agree that technologies help humans and but the disadvantages mentioned above can be overcome by obeying precautions.Linking Words