In some areas of the US, a 'curfew' is imposed, In which teenagers are not allowed to be out of doors after a particular time at night unless they are accompanied by an adult. What is your opinion about this?

Nowadays, juvenile delinquencies are very common worldwide. In the United States, youngsters are not allowed to leave their homes at a specific period of the night for the purpose of safety.
, if elders accompany the juniors
there is no issue. I agree with the topic because of many reasons which will be explained in the upcoming paragraphs along with a valid conclusion.
To begin
with, in many countries, especially, in the USA teenagers are prohibited to visit outside their homes alone or with their friends as many crime scenes take place during nighttime when everyone is at their home and the streets are completely empty. Crimes
as kidnappings, theft and murder are very common in the United States so for the sake of youngsters' safety curfew is imposed by the higher authorities of the state.
For example
, most well-off students' life gets destroyed by roaming at night time without the supervision of their elders.
, students ought to go to bed early
, they will rise up early in the morning in a good and fresh mood.
For instance
, most teenagers spend their late night time on the streets with their friends and,
as a result
, they miss their college and university in the morning.
In contrast
, teenagers are busy the whole day long with their studies and hectic schedules which leads to a sedentary lifestyle. They only get nighttime in which they can walk and keep themselves healthy by doing some physical exertion. To illustrate
, most of the students get overweight and face health-related issues. To sum up,
, youngsters keep themselves healthy by doing the walk at nighttime when the streets are not busy with traffic.
, in my opinion, there are many other ways to have good health by concentrating
on diet and arranging some gymnasium machinery at home as remaining safe from crimes is more pivotal.
Submitted by drsanaghani on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • enforce
  • juvenile
  • repercussions
  • autonomy
  • adolescence
  • paternalistic
  • delinquency
  • municipality
  • ordinance
  • authoritarian
  • peer pressure
  • social dynamics
  • civil liberties
  • community policing
  • preventative measures
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