Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Other say that these are not the only reason why some should learn a foreign language. Discuss both views and give your own opinions.

some people think that it is necessary to learn a new language dialect while travelling or working in a foreign country.
On the other hand
, others believe that we can learn a new language as a leisure activity to be communicative and more confident. I am going to cast some light on both opinions in the following paragraphs.
, studying new speech would make an individual more productive and pleased by learning a new skill.
can help us build a new social cycle all around the world. Nextly, learning new foreign accents is the foundational step to knowing about a new culture and lifestyle.
For instance
, sitting in a group of friends and you are being the only person to interact
Change preposition
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another international accent makes you feel more optimistic.
, if a person is watching a show or reading in another vocabulary learning a new world accent provides them with a guide to better understand new cultures and different flocks around the world.
In addition
, we can use technology to learn new speech, for ,instance Duolingo expression teaching app etcetera. Some populations argue that being proficient in a new terminology is like assistance in travelling and working in another country. Because we can hire a tourist guide who can assist the traveller and guide them about that nation's lifestyle.
, nowadays with the advancement of technology, folk prefers to use a translator on their mobile phones which helps them meet the basic needs to communicate with the local community. But, some public believe that to work in another nation you should be familiar with their mother tongue to better know about their habits.
, English is considered an international speech most developed and developing countries are speaking English, so it is not necessary. To conclude, in debate whether it is beneficial to learn a new dialect in order to work in or to travel to a new country.
, I believe that speaking various languages has more advantages because it builds confidence in a person to talk in front of a new nation.
Submitted by sandeepbhandal12 on

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