You have just read an article in a national newspaper which claims that town centers in your country all look very similar to each other. You don’t fully agree with this opinion. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper. In your letter • say which points in the article you agree with • explain ways in which your town center is different from most other town centers • offer to give a guided tour of your town to the writer of the article

Dear Sir / Madam, I am writing
letter in reference to the article you have published about the
of my country. I do admit that all the
in my country were designed keeping a similar concept in mind.
That is
to say, all
include shopping malls and high-rise buildings. They are
the centre of communications with major transport hubs
as trains or buses. Despite the same layout, there are massive differences in all the
. Tehran’s
centre differs from the rest because of its architectural design. All the buildings in my
centre are constructed in the Roman style.
, there is a pleasant pedestrian environment that encourages people to walk alongside stores, shop and linger in cafés and other public spaces. I believe once you visit our
, you will have a true picture of what it looks like. As I have been living in
for nearly 30 years, I would be glad to offer you a guided tour to explain about the history and show you around the attraction spot. If you have any questions or need me to clarify anything, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours sincerely, Dorsa Alami
Submitted by TUTOO on

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