Whether or not the past plays an ever-increasing role in our society has sparked a heated debate. Whereas a few masses advocate its extraordinary effect in finding solutions to troublesome scenarios, others believe it is no longer that significant in everyday life.
Linking Words
essay will elaborate on both notions which Linking Words
leads to a logical conclusion.
On the one hand, history holds lessons for the keenest observers. Some events of the past and the contemporary world are coming up with the same pattern, which could be referred to as platitudes, but lend a helping hand to prevent massacres from happening Linking Words
. A frequently cited example of Linking Words
is Herman Obert, and Robert Goddart and their study on the basics of rocket science, which helped Yuri Gagarin to conquer outer space, being the Linking Words
man to set foot on the moon. Linking Words
, the link between the science field in the old days and modern times can not be denied.
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On the other hand
, the past certainly holds insights but they are so deeply woven into a specific context as to be as misleading as enlightening. Linking Words
For instance
, it has been proven that wars and blatant errors made by the government still occur Linking Words
as a result
of misconceptions over the window of opportunities that learning of Linking Words
subject opens. Many individuals believe, that having knowledge about a particular date, event or historical data which we are often being taught at school, provides them plenty of choices in the political arena, incidentally brushing aside the whole picture and deeper understanding of it. It proves that history could not guarantee to make any headway in real life.
To conclude, the past still matters as an indispensable part of scientific heritage. Linking Words
, in the 21st century, people lead themselves astray with the wrong ideas about its analysis.Linking Words