In today's era, aspiration is becoming more imperative than in the past, the importance of desire for a human being can impressively affect their career.
First and foremost, it is undoubtedly that communities are born to be unfair, there is inequality all over the world. To put it simply, individuals who are not born to be rich, or even suffer from starvation, should strive for the best, fighting for any opportunities to climb up in a hierarchy society.
For instance
, the rich family can send their children to elite schools Linking Words
the poor cannot afford the huge tuition fee, they can only send their kids to a standard school, which leads to an education gap. Linking Words
, if they start to become ambitious, they study hard no matter what school and they are willing to compete in any situation. Linking Words
As a result
, they can usually fight for more opportunities they want.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, it is indispensable for a human to have ambition which strengthens competitiveness in their life. Specifically, there is only one way to gain higher social status which is by competing for more chances. Linking Words
For instance
, the public is fair when they are looking for a job, and the boss filters adequate employees who are qualified for the job, based on their academic levels and their performance in the interview. Linking Words
, people who behave well in their previous life, and are prepared well in the interview, normally get the job that they desired. Linking Words
As a result
, appetite benefits them in being successful in their career.
In conclusion, it is constructive that be ambitious in every part of their life, all populations are living in an inequality world, and they need to compete with others for a higher living standard. In fact, competitiveness Linking Words
leads the community to business success.Linking Words