Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for the governments to make it a legal requirement. To what exrent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste?

Nowadays, recycling is considered a crucial part of collecting waste in many countries.
there are numerous nations already imposing separate bins for recycling, others still do not have better waste management systems. I my opinion, every nation should implement strict laws in order to maintain the cleanliness of the country and reusable materials can send to dump stations for later use. To commence with, there is a number of measures which can be taken by the bureaucrats to make the community aware of the importance of reusing.
, companies can make huge profits out of recycling cans and bottles.
, if they agree to pay a small portion of the money to the people who recycle most of the cans and bottles
there is no doubt that residentials will try to keep their reusable stuff.
For example
, many factories need a lot of materials and resources to make new cans and brisk but rather than making new material they can pay half of the money to the nationals for their efforts.
, making the public aware of the negative consequences of not recycling in the environment. To explain, most plastic items are very detrimental if someone just through them anywhere.
As a result
, sufficient knowledge of the waste process through the advertisement campaign will not only save the money that companies spend on making new goods but
citizens can save some by helping them. In conclusion, since individuals know that recycling everything is not possible but most of the goods that they dump and buy those same things again are costlier for them.
, understanding the reusable process will not only help the companies but will
attract people to contribute to it.
Submitted by inderatwal1 on

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