Some people think they have right to use as much fresh water as they want, while others believe governments should tightly control the use of fresh water as it is a limited resource. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Some individuals advocate that they are entitled to sufficient fresh
others demonstrate the restriction on
supplies is an absolute necessity. From my perspective, even though it is somehow reasonable to use
freely, it is more feasible that governments
Fix the infinitive
to take
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measures to limit the supply of
. On the one hand, it seems logical to enable dwellers to consume freshwater without limitations on an individual level. Particularly, the demand for freshwater can vary by taking various lifestyles into account, and
as a result
, flexible arrangements for
supplies are more beneficial and convenient to users in comparison with the comprehensive management from our relative departments.
For example
, in some countries, the relevant departments would switch off the provision of fresh
at night,
, some people may suffer from the smell in their bathroom until the next morning.
On the other hand
, relevant authorities ought to ensure that freshwater is attainable for each citizen not only at the moment but
in the future. Specifically, freshwater is deemed exhaustible as scores of humans may deplete it unexpectedly and we do not have a mature technique to reproduce fresh
, it is essential to humans in various respects including the health of people and their daily lives. If some authorities do not regulate the usage of freshwater appropriately, substantial problems would occur.
For example
, drinkable
would be pricy in the short future
due to
its deficiency, and
, low-income groups would encounter a variety of diseases. In conclusion, people declare distinct views on whether the usage of
should be bounded or not. In my opinion, even though residents should be eligible to access unlimited
resources, the harness from governments causes more advantageous impacts in the long term.
Submitted by wangjue60 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • freshwater
  • personal freedom
  • resources
  • daily necessities
  • environmental sustainability
  • depletion
  • regulation
  • distribution
  • underprivileged
  • future generations
  • conservative use
  • sustainable practices
  • monitoring
  • regulating
  • judiciously
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