Rich countries often give money to poorer countries, but it does not solve poverty. Therefore, developed countries should give other types of help to poorer countries rather than financial aid. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Opinions differ on whether wealthy nations should provide poorer ones with financial aid or offer other types of assistance. I entirely agree with the latter, as poverty is not totally solved by just money. It is observed that there are several forms of support that rich countries can offer developing and poor ones. One of them is good-quality education, a good example is developing educational institutions and providing free-of-charge classes for people enduring poverty, which leads them to acquire more academic knowledge when attending these schools in order to seek jobs in the future.
can increase the competitiveness of poverty-stricken regions thanks to their educated labour workforce. Another kind of aid that should be directed to the government of less developed nations is technology. To be more specific, certain projects of introducing advanced medical facilities can create opportunities for poor individuals to improve their health. The United States of America,
for instance
, has delivered life-saving medicines to African countries
as well as
built hospitals with state-of-the-art medical equipment there, which helps enhance the
health of many communities in Africa, as they are less prone to succumbing to hazardous diseases.
As a result
, impoverished people receiving
assistance can have more incentives to continue to work and improve their living standards. In conclusion,
financial aid can only be beneficial in the short term, it is not adequate to entirely mitigate poverty in some countries.
reason, I believe that only by offering more practical help, especially education and technology, can affluent nations really spur the economy of poorer ones.
Submitted by Dinh Anh Duc on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • poverty alleviation
  • economic inequality
  • developing nations
  • foreign aid
  • sustainable growth
  • technical assistance
  • expertise
  • infrastructure
  • education
  • fair trade
  • trade barriers
  • sustainable development
  • environmental conservation
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