Nowadays, numerous
mention that the family bond is increasingly looser. In my opinion,
is primarily caused by technological
advanceFix the agreement mistake
show examples
and globalization. I believe some
effectFix the agreement mistake
show examples
prevailingCorrect article usage
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of Change preposition
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social networking services and the growing popularity of studying abroad.
The first cause of
phenomenon is that technology has dramatically improved worldwide.
change has introduced social networking services
as Instagram and Twitter to every individual;
theCorrect article usage
show examples
vast number of
become addicted to
useChange the verb form
show examples
these applications around the world.
it is essential for the public to enjoy
the Correct article usage
show examples
social networking
in terms of connecting with others, using
those applicationChange the determiner
that application
those applications
show examples
consumerAdd an article
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to spend lots of time. In
case, many individuals
are tendChange the verb form
show examples
be struggleChange the verb form
show examples
with preparing time in order to
goodCorrect article usage
show examples
relationshipFix the agreement mistake
show examples
with their
familyFix the agreement mistake
show examples
The second cause of
those situationChange the determiner
that situation
those situations
show examples
is that globalization has progressed. In
development, living abroad to study has gradually gained popularity. It was
commonAdd an article
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pattern that every family member
stayFix the infinitive
show examples
in their house and share their daily life in the past few
decadeChange to a plural noun
show examples
spend much
timeCorrect quantifier usage
show examples
outside than
theirChange preposition
show examples
parents'Correct your spelling
show examples
house in the modern days.
, some family
memberFix the agreement mistake
show examples
might find it
to attain the
to maintain
strongAdd an article
show examples
connection with their family.
In conclusion,
the Correct article usage
show examples
technological progress and globalization have caused too much usage of social networking
from family because of migration. These phenomena
hasChange the verb form
show examples
makeChange the verb form
show examples
to Change the verb form
show examples
restrict building great
relatiohshipCorrect your spelling
with their family members.