Some people think that we live in a society where money and possessions are given too much importance. Others believe that this is improving our lives. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

Money is the uttermost imperative in our society. Every individual thinks that if they have money they do any. Myriad nation discovers that the public lives in a society where wealth and possessions are very fabulous. In the following essay,both notions will be scrutinized ,and
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will show my support for the latter one. To embark on
, everyone needs a little number of rupees to live better in the community. Because
is the basic need in the Universe. To elaborate on
, we face many problems in our hearts without currency in our hands. society always suffers for basic needs in their growth. To overcome
problem every human needs to work hard and earn the fund which is essential to the
soul. An eminent example of
is students suffering at school when they could not able to pay the tuition fees.
, A plethora of societies, think that capital is not important because ethics and moral values play a vital role in the activity.
, those who are earning more in growth mostly don't have ethics. Research conducted by the Times of India divulged that 70% of nations face a lot of problems in life when they don't have cash in their banks.
people have many relations no one can help in an emergency time.
,every individual gives respect to money In conclusion, not only property but
moral values are the most precious things in the human soul.
In my
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opinion, I always respect possession and currency in my heart. some people give importance to funding rather than moral values.
Submitted by khaja06_sk on

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